Planning A Move? Tips For Working With Movers

If you find yourself facing an impending move, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the things that you need to do to get ready for it. It can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to packing up everything and making sure that it's all secure. Hiring movers can make the whole process easier, but there are a few things that you should do to make sure that your experience with the movers is a positive one.

Clean Out Your Belongings

In most cases, moving companies will charge you for your move based on the overall weight of the items in the truck. That means you can save money on your move if you clean out your belongings beforehand. Working with one room at a time can make the process less overwhelming, but you should sort through everything in each room and determine what you don't want to take with you. 

Throw away anything that's trash, donate what you can, or even consider holding a yard sale to get rid of the things that you don't want to take. The more you can eliminate, the more money you will save on your final moving costs.

Create A Plan For Valuables

Take some time to talk with the movers about anything you own of particularly high value. If it's jewelry or something small, you can set it aside to transport in your personal vehicle, but anything too large for that will still need to be handled by your movers.

Make sure that these items are called out in the moving contract for special handling. You might pay a service fee for this, but it's important to ensure that your valuables are protected. Anything that could sustain irreplaceable damage should be addressed clearly and specifically.

Additionally, you should ensure that your belongings are protected by insurance during transport. Your homeowners insurance may not cover your belongings while they are in the possession of the moving company, so ask the local movers about any insurance that they offer for clients.

Keep Your Personal Items Separate

Finally, as you approach the day where the movers will come to pack your belongings, set your personal items aside that you're going to bring with you on the day of the move. Things like toiletries, jewelry, personal documents, and other important items should be transported with you in the vehicle you are driving so that you know where those things are at all times.

These are a few key tips to help you plan a successful move with your local movers. Talk with the moving company today for more information.
